Sometimes we jump into a new season because it’s something we fully want to do. Nothing is forcing us, and we have little hesitation or fear. We dive right in, totally committed. Other times, more unhappily, we are forced into a new season because something happened to us that we had little or no control over. We then have to make the best with whatever life handed to us.

Launching Into New Seasons
The times I have jumped into a brand-new season often involved a combination of those two scenarios. Yes, I may have had a desire to step out (eventually, that is). But unfavorable life circumstances also nudged me along in that direction a tad unwillingly and before I felt ready.
New ventures are scary! It’s been many years now since I started our homeschool journey. Although the fear of that has worn off, I do remember how I felt those first few months. But our family has been on a new scary venture of another type for the past year now. So, I’m no stranger to feeling currently uncomfortable with life. Last fall we moved cross country (Virginia to Idaho) with no steady jobs waiting for us. We’ve had a topsy-turvy year of facing down fear and battling the unknowns.

Yes, living in Idaho was something we wanted to do. However, if our circumstances had been more favorable and comfortable in Virginia, we probably would’ve stayed. We would have preferred facing our known problematic issues there versus facing all the unknown issues out here.
After all, who among us really likes facing the unknown? Especially when you know it’s going to involve a huge amount of effort and dealing with problems you could otherwise avoid. Maybe a few people don’t mind this, but if so, I don’t personally know them. The unknown is unsettling, uncomfortable, and at times a fearful place.
Facing Down the Homeschool Cliff of 2020
I think it’s fair to say a LOT of moms facing down the homeschool cliff for the fall of 2020 feel a bit (or quite a bit) shoved into it. I’ve personally talked to a few of them recently. This wasn’t on their radar several months ago. And now here they find themselves having conversations and making decisions they couldn’t fathom before. Last year at this time they knew where their kids would be going to school and more or less what school was going to look like for them. Now it’s a big, daunting question mark–one they didn’t ask for and are not sure they want.
Welcome Aboard!
On a practical level, and on behalf of many veteran homeschool moms, let me say this: we hear you, and we want to be there for you. Most of us love talking about homeschooling, whether it’s the good, the bad, or the ugly. We won’t sugarcoat it. We won’t tell you it’s going to be ah-mazing without balancing it with a healthy dose of reality. We’ll warn you of the pitfalls and gladly tell you our mistakes. We’ll help you navigate the vast ocean of curricula available and patiently answer your questions. In short, we’ll see you to the path that will work best for your family and circumstances.
This is our world, and we highly value it. A generation of moms fought hard through the misconceptions to make the homeschooling experience what it is today. We welcome you to it, no matter the circumstances that are bringing you here.
Join the social media homeschool boards. Reach out to a friend or acquaintance who you know homeschools. Share your concerns. Ask your questions. See what’s possible in the fall for you and your family.
Seeing Beyond the Discomfort
And on a more philosophical level, yes, change is frightening. It’s tough. It’s most likely not going to be the easiest season, at least at the start. But being uncomfortable at times is not only not bad, it can turn out very beautiful in the end.
Not that I’ve arrived. I’m not there yet in my current situation. We are still establishing ourselves in our new Idahoan life and still facing down fear. But with change often comes positive growth, right? I’ve seen it in other areas, and I know I’ll see it in this.
And you will likely too. Only you can decide if this is the year you should face down the homeschool cliff and jump. But if you do, reach out because we hope to make your landing a bit softer.
I think this is what the majority of the parents are facing right now. Facing the uncertainty about homeschooling but it’s giving you no choice but to embrace it. Glad there are resources out there that can help you out.
So many parents are wondering what to do this year. I am so glad that I don’t need to worry about that. We have been cyber schooling for the past 6 years. While cyber school is not the same at homeschooling, my kids are still at home with me learning online. (And I don’t have to worry about being the teacher!) Whatever option parents choose though, will be the option that works best for them!
This is such a well written article that voices the troubles faced by so many right now. Well said.
I really appreciate your perspective on homeschooling and tackling new adventures and challenges. With so much uncertainty at this time, it is encouraging to hear from someone who has been taking on new challenges and is willing to share homeschooling tips. As my husband and I are in the middle of adopting several children, we will also be learning how to homeschool amidst this year’s craziness and look forward to following along with you.
Wow, you have a lot of “new” in your life! Congratulations on the impending adoptions. I admire that greatly. My husband was adopted (plan to blog about that at some point). Thank you for following along!